Sunday, 10 April 2011

Факты, товарищ! The facts, comrade!

Кто? (Who?): Me. Half-Russian, half-English Australian travel writer, stoker of samovars, polisher-offerer of piroshki and golden grill aficionado.

Что? (What?): Research trip for a certain guidebook publisher of renown. Any excuse to get back on the Mayhem Express (otherwise known as "platzkart"). It's not called "Hard Class" for nothing.

Где? (Where?): Northern European Russia. From Vologda in the south all the way up to Arkhangelsk and Murmansk, the world's biggest city north of the Arctic Circle. Last time I was there, I saw a drunk reindeer. Here's hoping lightening strikes twice.

Почему? (Why?): Work. Fun. Vodka. Bears with vodka.

Когда? (When?): April-June 2011. This timeframe is usually billed as "springtime" in the rest of Europe. Where I'm going? Not so much.

Note: The above picture honours Russia's glorious blood donors. I hope to hell not to become one of them.

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