Sunday, 10 April 2011

Факты, товарищ! The facts, comrade!

Кто? (Who?): Me. Half-Russian, half-English Australian travel writer, stoker of samovars, polisher-offerer of piroshki and golden grill aficionado.

Что? (What?): Research trip for a certain guidebook publisher of renown. Any excuse to get back on the Mayhem Express (otherwise known as "platzkart"). It's not called "Hard Class" for nothing.

Где? (Where?): Northern European Russia. From Vologda in the south all the way up to Arkhangelsk and Murmansk, the world's biggest city north of the Arctic Circle. Last time I was there, I saw a drunk reindeer. Here's hoping lightening strikes twice.

Почему? (Why?): Work. Fun. Vodka. Bears with vodka.

Когда? (When?): April-June 2011. This timeframe is usually billed as "springtime" in the rest of Europe. Where I'm going? Not so much.

Note: The above picture honours Russia's glorious blood donors. I hope to hell not to become one of them.

Let the durakticity commence

What better way to get ready for Russia than drinking German beer, listening to Serbian trubaci music and rolling around on the floor in a Mexican wrestling mask?